Thirukkural - A personal Dialog
The Dialog( or Dialogue) is not only an exchange of ideas and views, but also forms the basis for one's evolution of thoughts.
All the 1330 Thirukkurals are structured as 'Pa' ( meaning a musical poem) with 2 short lines. This 'Pa' structure is very condusive for memorizing. Each Thirukkural is also designed as a Dialog(Seppalosai ). Let me illustrate this with some examples:
" What will happen if the Rain fails to the world, sorrounded by oceans? " is the question.
"Hunger will strike the stomach " comes the reply !
Both this question and answer are wrapped in the following Thirukkural.
Should Rain fail, hunger will rack
The world with wide oceans. [ Rain 2 : 3 ]
( Vinninru poippin virineer viyan ulagaththu
unninru udatrum pasi )
Let us take one more example from 3rd theme 'Ascetics'.
"The great do the impossible. The Mean ? " is the question.
" The Mean cannot" comes the reply
[ Ascetics 3 : 6 ]
You can take any Thirukkural and you will see this fascinating Dialog pattern.
Love and Peace.
Karu.Malar Selvan
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